
Kris Cahill and Ryan Fukuda talk about their new writing elective that begins on February 29, 2024.

Kris and Ryan are very excited to teach 'Telling Your Own Story'! Together they've previously created and taught several meditation workshops focused on writing, and are thrilled to now offer an 8 week clairvoyant level elective on this very topic.

In this elective, you will actively meditate, read, and clear out the unresolved energies that can affect your ability to tell your own story. There will also be time to write – so bring your favorite blank journal and pen.

Topics covered include: owning your own voice, becoming conscious to demands to tell other's stories but not your own, making space for a fun writing practice, and so much more.

A story is energy. Stories make up every aspect of life, and the stories you tell about yourself, who you are, what you like and dislike, your strengths and weaknesses, are powerful. When you choose to tell your own story so that you are the main character in your story, as opposed to a character in someone else’s narrative, your life changes!

'Telling Your Own Story' is an 8-week psychic expressionism workshop, starting on February 29, 2024. The prerequisite is completion of Clairvoyance Master 1 & 2, or Art of the Seer Training.

Reach out to Kris or Ryan if you have any questions about this class.

“Freedom comes when you tell your story, freedom comes when you tell the truth."  
- Eve Ensler

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