William Pacholski

William Pacholski

Chicago, Illinois Website

I am passionate about my vocation guiding sensitives and seekers to take back ownership of their energy and abilities and move forward in life towards their creative goals. đź’«

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Will You Choose To Create?

"The reward for our work is not what we get, but who we become." - Paulo Coelho Meet some of our new faculty and learn about what brings them to hold space to others as they learn to harness their own Clairvoyance and Mediumship in a unique and...

Exploring Your Abilities

Question from a new members of AotSA: I am periodically smelling sandlewood lately, and no where near any candles or items  containing it #SandlewoodScent #SmellAssociations #SpiritMessages . While I have smelled my Grandmother's perfume, my grandfathers faverite bourbon and seven, and other smells I associate with people I know...

"Eschew the ordinary, disdain the commonplace..."

"When you go into any form of creative work, there is one tiny drawback. You can’t win. By going into creative work, you have to face a rather dismaying fact. You can’t become president of it. There is no such thing as president of easel painting or...

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