There are infinite ways of creating space for yourself. At times, you may be very aware and intentional about this: making coffee, journaling, going for walks, getting a massage, or redecorating your apartment. Perhaps it just happens, and you suddenly find yourself with space.

Space is a valuable thing, and you have your own space. There are a million things competing to be the most important thing in your space. You might notice this when you are thinking about work at 2am and can’t seem to sleep. Or a phone call, or email notification, you receive just as you are about to have your morning coffee in quite of the early morning.

When you are consciously creating space for yourself, you are putting your attention on yourself and choosing the energy that you want to be in. Not perfectly, but consciously, which is a choice. The benefit of creating space for yourself can be connecting with yourself, communicating with yourself, and nourishing yourself. When you have these things, it only enhances how you show up in your life.

One way I teach creating space for yourself is in meditation using consciousness tools. These tools learned in the Foundation Class at the Art of the Seer Academy enriches and supplements how you already create space for yourself. These tools are visceral, exciting, and real as you explore seeing and working energy in meditation.

In this four week class, you will learn consciousness tools to enrich your ability to release energy, create safety for yourself, enhance movement in your body and life, protect your space, have energetic boundaries, replenish your energy, focus your attention, and more!

I will be teaching a Foundation Class that begins August 2nd at 3pm PT online. To learn more or enroll, click here.

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