The spirit of you has always been available for you in your life, even when you thought you were all alone.

Every time you took the time to really listen and check in with yourself, you could find this powerful part of you - your truest self - waiting and ready to assist you. If you already have a meditation practice, you’ve experienced how meditating helps you quiet down within yourself, so that you can hear your own wisdom.

The spirit of you is powerful and creative.

Our bodies and minds get the credit all too often for making the reality we find ourselves living day to day. It’s really easy to get caught up in thinking that what we see in front of us daily is what’s important and real, and that it’s happening to us, instead of it being we who have the power to steer the ship on which we are sailing. When we remember to turn that around, it’s easier to validate that as a spirit we made choices to be here now, for a reason.

Finding and becoming your truest self is more important now than ever before.

There’s also more permission to do this - to take the time and space you need and want to create a relationship of trust and artistry within yourself. You and I and everyone we know has been through many lifetimes of being how and what we were supposed to be, according to the prevailing rules and demands and laws of the times we lived in. We also experienced lifetimes of breaking away from the group’s demands, lifetimes where we grew. We wanted those lifetimes of experiencing those structures and groups in order to learn, there was no problem.

What if this lifetime is different? You have more choices now, and more permission to hear your own wisdom. Sometimes having that much freedom to choose can feel overwhelming - what if I make the wrong choice? What if others get angry because I’m choosing something different from them, or worse - choosing myself over them? Can I trust myself and my knowing?

Creating your life your way can sometimes feel pretty messy.

If you’ve been feeling stuck in creating something new for yourself, there may be energy telling you to avoid making a mess, because the world is messy enough already. However, partly why the world is so messy is because change is here. In fact, change is why we are all right here, right now. This lifetime is no accident - for you or me or anyone else for that matter.

It’s not going to be perfect and orderly and make sense all the time. There will always be demands, responsibilities, pain, strife, and nothing will ever be perfect - nor does it need to be - in order for you to have your truest self working for you.

Trust is the key factor in all of this.

As in you trusting yourself. You don’t have to prove to others that you have your own answer, or that you are following your path. Each of us has this innate wisdom, this spirit, that we can tap into, whenever we choose.

When I look back at my own life, I am especially proud of the times I knew and listened to my truth about what I wanted or knew I could have. The only times I got stuck was when I assumed my knowing would be heard and respected by others around me, who for whatever reason of their own, could not hear me. Perhaps what I wanted put them into fear or pain, perhaps they judged it and tried to control it. I had to clear out their judgment and control in order to have my truth for myself. Learning to work with my spirit helped me every step of the way.

Everyone has their own view of how life is and should be - as clairvoyants say, everyone has a picture. I have my own picture of who I am and what I want, you have yours. When your picture is obscured by the pictures of others telling you what you are or should be, it’s your job to find and own your truth, in order to have your life your way. It’s your life!

This is where your spirit comes in handy. Others may be seeing what they want or need you to be on a body level, but you are both body and spirit. When you try to make yourself live the life that was given to you, neatly packaged and ready to go - it won’t work. Your spirit will know - you will know, it’s not your truth you’re living.

This is where a return to your spirit becomes the healing. You are inherently creative as spirit, and you can create a new version of yourself anytime you like.

“In a sense, as we are creative beings, our lives become our work of art.” - Julia Cameron

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