You have proof in your wanderings that you have yet to find the art of living anywhere you’ve been - not in logic, nor in wealth, fame, or any indulgence. Nowhere. Where is it then? In doing what human nature demands. There is no good life for a human being except within that which one creates, has courage, and most of all freedom.

- Marcus Aurelius

What is the meaning of life? Why was I born? What am I meant to do with my life?

These questions are more common than I ever imagined in my reading practice. When I was a much younger man, asking these questions myself, I thought I was alone, isolated, and singular in my not having the answers - it was excruciating to me that everyone else had some answer that I seemed to have missed.

As I’ve grown into middle-age, and through experience in my reading and teaching practice, I now know that most people are living in this question - without answers.

It’s an eye opening realization! Most recently, a young woman came to my office and asked me to read what she was supposed to do with her life. “I know I want to make a difference; I know I want to do great things.” she confessed, as if for the first time to anyone.

The reading was not what she expected, and she left my office a bit angry and unsatisfied. She wanted me to tell her, specifically what to do - as if the reading would produce the perfect direction for her - “go and work with the homeless”, or perhaps “save the whales.” But in my reading, there was no objective or outside answer to her quest. She was the one to bring great meaning to the things she did. She was the one to decide what difference to make in the world. In fact, just being able to ask the question was more valuable than any answer I could give her. In asking, she had set herself on the path of the seeker.

As long as she was looking outside of herself for her answer, it would never be truly hers. The good life - a life of meaning, fulfillment, and satisfaction - would continue to elude her until she stopped seeking, and looked within to find what had been there all along.

Putting aside the point that a good psychic reading should leave you, in some way, with more questions (one might say better questions) than answers, It is not our job as human beings to ask what we can be for the world, but rather to ask what we WANT to be for the world - and that’s a very different thing. No amount of global travel, intellectualizing, philosophizing, seeing psychics, or looking at what makes others happy can tell us what we want to know. Instead, it is the connection within oneself - finding a sense of calling - that guides us to our answer, which is unique to each one of us. In a way, we live into the question until we find an answer that works for us.

The good life is not a goal to achieve or a thing to possess. The good life is what comes when your body and spirit are aligned and working in harmony to fulfill your singular creative and passionate goal. What will you be to the world? Be it to yourself first.

Psychic Meditation is an extra-ordinary practice that creates tangible ways for you to connect to your own psychic and creative energy in profound ways. Our classes and training programs support students finding their own answers and connecting more deeply to their own psychic abilities, creative impulses, and meaning in the world. We have new classes starting online this week.

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, remembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.”

― T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Further reading, an amazing article about this from The Atlantic.

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