Daring to dream beyond what feels safe to you and those around you is a bold undertaking.

When you seek growth and change, you are saying you want more. I’m not talking about becoming rich and famous; I’m talking about giving yourself the opportunity to be and do what excites you (which could be about becoming rich and famous).

You don’t always know why you are inspired to write a song that moves people,

or paint a picture for pleasure,

or build a farm in a village no one has ever heard of in Vietnam.

You just do.

It is you, the spirit, yearning for what it desires.

This is where dreaming is not optional.

It is fundamental.

Dreams are the building blocks for every creation that happens in this world and beyond. When you look at dreams in this way, you can see that prophetic insights or nightmares of you giving a speech in the nude, are only a sliver of what dreaming on the astral is all about.

Studying the art of dreaming isn’t about how you are going to win at life — it’s about trusting yourself enough to imagine something new inside of yourself to share with the universe.

The art of dreaming is what you make it to be.

It’s about making up a life that doesn’t always make sense.

It’s about remembering who you are.

It’s about your inner & out of body experiences.

It’s about inspiration,


and power.

It's about letting go of control and developing ownership over self.

It’s about choosing what you want to put your attention on every single moment,

from when you go to sleep at night,

to when you are focusing on your daily creations.

How you want to live out your dreams is very personal to you.

It doesn't look like anyone else's.

It's why you are here.

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