"Now, I see so much more of myself and am feeling more grounded. I feel less likely to find myself in an emotional tsunami and more likely to be surfing a wave." – Jen L.

Jen was told she was too sensitive growing up and spent a lot of time trying not to be, learning to manage those extra feelings by applying them to her art. She would transform them into autobiographical stories and poetry - yet knowing something more significant could be explored.

Before enrolling in Art of the Seer, Jen thought being psychic meant seeing the future, reading tarot cards, and communicating with dead people. She realizes now that she has been working with her own psychic awareness all along in ways that weren't obvious to her, such as Clairvoyance and how to work with mental image pictures. Using psychic tools has evolved into a more profound life practice, including trusting her intuition more and having tools that allow her to return to herself.

Q: What inspired you to become an Art of the Seer student?

A: I Google searched one night for "witchy cities in America," and Portland came up with an ad for classes. I am a hairstylist, and one of my clients mentioned that she was taking classes too. Honestly, I signed up because I wanted to know if I could find my own answers to things I was curious about. I had believed that I wasn't gifted in seeing spirits or predicting the future. Still, I thought the foundation class would give me a better sense of what I am doing or able to do.

Q: How has the program impacted you?

A: I feel myself expanding, finding freedom, and having ease within myself. I can confidently dig into healing experiences and feel more comfortable being seen. I have always been a self-help junkie or labeled as an over-thinker. I am glad to have found a community of people who don't make me feel weird or wrong for being curious anymore.

Q: What has been your favorite topic or area of growth in the training?

A: Hmmm, I got pretty lit up learning about the first layer of the aura and looking at pictures of responsibility there. I was called out in a good way. Lots of juicy things to look at, including energy pictures about being a perfectionist. The class about identity pictures was like seeing the matrix. A new stretch for my brain to remind me that maybe some of those are not my truth. Ugh, I may be trying to clear those expectations for a while.

Q: How has becoming a conscious psychic changed your day-to-day life?

A: I am more grounded. More secure in my body. I can now differentiate between the energies I am feeling plus move out what's unwanted.

Q: Finally, what is next for you? How do you see what you've learned affecting you in a year, five years, or ten years?

A: Confidence and self-esteem. I get a sense of unwavering strength I've never known before. Previously self-doubt and bouts of depression made accessing my aspirations difficult. Now the skills I am learning are assisting me in living the life I've always wanted. I imagine big things. Richer relationships. Creative projects. A lot more of knowing myself and growing.

Q: Tell us something significant about your experience with Art of the Seer.

A: I had not been a student for a long time. And my life can be very full, with responsibilities that take up a lot of space and time. I shifted both work and life to focus on this study. When William, founder of Art of the Seer, encouraged me to expand myself even further, I was pleased I created the time to do so. My experience at Art of the Seer has been one of the greatest gifts I have given myself. It is such a value to my life! Having time to absorb and practice these skills, rewatch each class, take notes, and participate in reading labs. This practice and the supportive community are nourishing. I am now worried about the idea of graduating and losing the regularity and community.

*This interview has been edited and condensed.

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