"I feel more present. It is like I've been coloring myself from the inside out rather than seeking help elsewhere to fix my latest challenge." – Marjie C.

Marjie always felt she had abilities as a healer, though she hadn't really considered herself psychic. She knew she was intuitive and highly sensitive but often experienced that more as a liability than a friend. With a desire to learn how to be more in charge of her energy and space and have more pleasure in being herself, Art of the Seer inspired her to explore her clairvoyance.

Q: How has the program impacted you?

A: The meditation practice I've learned is a gift I will have forever. I have more of my own space and energy in my daily life with my family, friends, and even my job. Nowadays, I am more willing to try things and go into problems that I have avoided or thrown me off before. You could say I'm braver and more involved in my life.

Q: What has been your favorite topic or area of growth in the training?

A: Usually, the topic we discuss in class on any given week seems to be what I've been waiting for. The most valuable topics appear to be the ones with the most challenging growth associated with them for me. Learning to clear my own resistance to things that challenge me is definitely on my top 10 list.

Q: How has becoming a conscious psychic changed your day-to-day life?

A: I feel more present. It is like I've been coloring myself from the inside out rather than seeking help elsewhere to fix my latest challenge. The more I am myself, the more I have in my life. When I lose a sense of myself now, I can get back to myself faster. Seeing these challenges as growth is a helpful distinction for me.

Q: Without naming names, what makes Art of the Seer different from other self-discovery practices you may have tried?

A: Being aware of my own spiritual energy has been a total game-changer. Art of the Seer taught me this. It seems so simple, but it is kind of everything. I have explored other practices, but when I look around at the tools that work for me, they are the ones that consistently bring me back to myself. My spiritual energy. I never had the words for what was happening before. But I now have a practice with tools that directly support what it means to heal myself and help others.

Q: Finally, what is next for you? How do you see what you've learned affecting you in a year, five years, or ten years?

A: Hopefully, I'll feel less intimidated by that question in a year! My vision is to trust that I'll figure that out over time. I would like to keep growing, and I see myself having more certainty about my choices and answers. I want to see more of my true self in my career and relationships.

Q: Tell us something significant about your experience with Art of the Seer.

A: A year before starting the foundation class, so many things were happening in my life. The ways I took care of myself were either gone or weren't working, and I felt less like I had what I needed to enjoy being on the planet. All of that began to slowly change when I started Art of the Seer, meditating and learning to use my clairvoyance.

I am grateful for how I have been supported in the process by the teachers and students. I experience the world differently, with a greater sense of belonging and being up to that task. I'm excited to see myself grow.

*This interview has been edited and condensed.

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