"It's been lovely to learn you can have compassion while not taking on other's burdens." – Jessica

As a massage therapist and bodyworker, Jessica would break down early in her practice during client sessions. She noticed she did not have the required skills to clear other people's energy in her own body, which triggered her own trauma, pain and burnout. Exploring different healing modalities, self-care for Jessica was seen not as a luxury but as a necessity.

Q: What inspired you to become an Art of the Seer student?

I've always been curious about quantum physics, manifestation, and mystical experiences, especially in my dream world. After listening to a podcast last year, something lit up for me. I wanted to get in touch with my purpose and gifts. Learn how to listen and connect more to my clairvoyance and spiritual energy. So I started to look for programs and classes where I could do that. Without a doubt, Art of The Seer was the one for me.

Q: How has the program impacted you?

A: It has helped me remember that everything is energy, which is crucial when things in life get heavy, chaotic, or dark. Art of the Seer is rich and life-changing without being dogmatic. Learning to hold space is a huge benefit and clearing the energy around pain, relationships, limiting beliefs, etc. Classes each week are very empowering and humbling at the same time, which is my favorite combination. I would say my relationship with being clairvoyant is a beautiful thing. Before, it felt like an abstract concept, and now I have a new language with permission to show me the things that get in my way, which is very exciting.

Q: What has been your favorite topic or area of growth in the training?

A: Learning to ground my female energy and female body has been tremendous. I feel the effects of it on many levels. Learning about the aura is a never-ending joy and lesson. Getting a firmer grasp on my clairvoyant abilities, being able to ask new questions and receive different insights is like letting in the light.

Q: How has becoming a conscious psychic changed your day-to-day life?

A: Walls have come tumbling down. I notice my relationships with others have changed, good things and people and new opportunities are showing up. I held a lot of resistance around love. Seeing that resistance as a Clairvoyant - that it is palpable energy - now gives me the option to handle it with the tools I am learning. I also feel a deep pull to be more creative and to have more permission to pursue old dreams.

Q: Without naming names, what makes Art of the Seer different from other self-discovery practices you may have tried?

A: There is a practical layered approach to Art of the Seer and how it unveils tools and topics to help us see our own abilities in a practical, pragmatic way. The language and pace perfectly align with how I like to learn. There's an expectation to dive into each lesson and practice with our full potential, keeping a sense of humor while doing this wild work. It feels it is all for our highest good.

Q: Finally, what is next for you? How do you see what you've learned affecting you in a year, five years, or ten years?

A: Oh, wow! I want to take the Art of the Dreamer course next. I already see how I can incorporate my clairvoyance and tools I've learned into my profession as a bodyworker. If I had a choice, I would always be in some class or course to keep learning and sharpening these skills. Master it in some way. There is clarity coming through, so that is very exciting.

Q: Tell us something significant about your experience with Art of the Seer.

A: My back and psoas muscles used to tighten up often, not a new thing for me. Using my clairvoyance tools from class, I looked at the pain one day. A past life picture came up, and it came up full force and clear as a bell. Using my tools to clear it, the release that came afterward was astounding and so lovely. It made a lot of room in my body, letting go of old patterns and people. The pain eased immediately, and I have not experienced anything like it since.

*This interview has been edited and condensed.

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