A bespoke ten week experience for intuitives of any level of practice and study, with William.

Learning Clairvoyance: A Journey to Unlocking Your Inner Vision

Clairvoyance, or “clear seeing,” is the ability to perceive events, energy, objects, or people beyond the range of consciousness. It’s an intuitive skill that allows you to access information from the spirit or receive guidance from your own higher self. Learning clairvoyance involves developing a heightened awareness and sensitivity to subtle energies, enhancing discernment of what is actually from your intuition, and connecting with your inner vision in a way that is tactile, deep, and lasting.

What Does Learning Clairvoyance Involve?

  • Understanding Intuition and Psychic Senses: Clairvoyance is one of the many psychic senses, also known as the “clairs.” As you embark on this journey, you’ll learn about the different psychic abilities, such as clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), and claircognizance (clear knowing). Understanding how these senses work together will help you develop a comprehensive approach to any intuitive practice.
  • Strengthening Your Inner Vision: Clairvoyance often manifests as images, symbols, or visions in the mind’s eye, also known as the third eye or the sixth chakra. Through guided meditation tools, visualization exercises, and focusing techniques, you’ll learn to open and activate your third eye, enhancing your ability to receive and interpret these visual messages.
  • Developing A Mindfulness Architecture: A key aspect of learning clairvoyance is developing a state of deep awareness and mindfulness. Your consciousness is like a musculature, and working it out day by day helps strengthen it. By cultivating a calm and receptive mind, you’ll be more attuned to the subtle impressions that arise. Practices such as meditation, grounding, and breathwork are essential tools in quieting the mind and enhancing your psychic sensitivity.
  • Interpreting Psychic Images and Symbols: Clairvoyant vision often comes through in the form of symbols, metaphors, or imagery that may not always be immediately clear. Part of your learning journey will involve being able to create, foster, and embolden your own unique visual language that has deep meaning for you, and help you communicate what you intuit in a clear and impactful way to others.
  • Building Trust in Your Abilities: Trusting your intuition and the information you receive is crucial in developing clairvoyance. Doubt and skepticism can block your intuitive flow, so learning to trust your inner guidance and validate your experiences is a vital part of the process.
  • Practicing Ethical Clairvoyance: Learning clairvoyance also involves understanding the ethical considerations of using your abilities. This includes respecting others’ privacy, seeking permission before conducting readings, and using your skills for positive and constructive purposes.

Why would you invest in studying Clairvoyance?

  • Enhanced Intuition: Make better decisions in your personal and professional life by accessing deeper intuitive insights.
  • Spiritual Growth: Connect with your higher self, spirit guides, or the spiritual realm for guidance and wisdom.
  • Emotional Healing: Gain clarity on past traumas, unresolved emotions, or personal challenges, facilitating deeper healing and self-understanding.
  • Greater Awareness: Develop a heightened awareness of energy, helping you navigate relationships, environments, and life situations more effectively.
  • Life Purpose Clarity: Discover and align with your life purpose, finding more meaning and fulfillment in your daily life.
$2500 for the ten week learning cycle with William.
Payment Plans are available by request. Includes three months of complimentary membership at the Academy. Click here to learn more and sign up for a complimentary discovery meeting.

Clairvoyant Mastery Group Classes

We have two upcoming group classes, which are an affordable and fun way to learn about your own spiritual abilities in a supportive and collaborative community setting. Tuition is $975 in 3 Monthly payments and includes three months of complimentary membership.

  • Mondays starting October 7th at 5:30-7:15pm PT for ten weeks with Ryan Fukuda.
  • Thursdays starting January 9th, 2025 at 5:00-6:30pm PT / 8:00-9:30pm ET for ten weeks with Kris Cahill.
Learn More & Enroll

Fall Oracle Night

Sunday, September 15th at 7pm CT

A special night of channelled healings in a group setting with William and Ryan. This event is free for all members to attend (sign up today!), and there are six spots for direct healings at $50 each, contact Karly Dailey to sign up for one of these or if you have questions.

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Advanced Mastery

Saturday, September 7th at 12pm CT

This once a month gathering for all members is complimentary, and ris a deep dive into juicy and engaging Clairvoyant topics, tools, and techniques. Pre-requisite is completion of the 10 week Mastery Class or coaching with William.

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MidWinter Healing Night

Saturday, December 21st at 6pm CT

Every Winter Solstice since 2016 I've hosted a special MidWinter Healing Night. This year will feature special channeled healings by students in the Art of the Oracle Mediumship class. This event is free for all members.

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The Art of Beingness

A 10 week specialized Advanced Mastery class with William, Sundays at 2pm CT starting October 20th. Pre-requisite is a Mastery group class or coaching with William.

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Art of the Oracle Mediumship Training

Beginning in January 2025

Mediumship is an incredible ability and a wonderful toolset to add to your toolkit. Mediumship as an ability can offer profound healing, transformation, and enlightenment to those who practice. This class meets twice a month for 2 years and begins every January and is taught by William.

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Sessions by Appointment

An opportunity to step out of the energy of your day to day and get restorative perspective, healing, and clarity in a one-to-one session.

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