I find that empty space gives so much room for inspiration and creativity these days.

  1. Waste More Time
    There’s no such thing as wasted time; in our western productivity based culture, empty time/space is seen as something to be resolved, filled, and one’s productivity “maximized”. Looking back on my life, I see where I was often creating things — relationships, work, busy-ness, new projects — just to fill the space so I didn’t feel like I “wasting time”. In the new year, I’m committed to wasting more time; taking empty time and space as a gift to be treasured and marinate in it, rather than feel guilty, shamed, or scared of. I find that empty space gives so much room for inspiration and creativity these days. I want more of that.
  2. Watch & Wait More Often
    Active readiness is a real thing; we used to talk about this so often in my theater classes. I know they teach about this a lot in martial arts and in many different philosophies; for me, I see this as practicing waiting for the right moment to create. So often we create in response to an external force or agenda; this year I’m practicing waiting until it feels right or seems right, or seems opportune to speak, act, do, or engage. I find that when I can withhold and wait, the payoff is sweeter and more impactful — both for myself and others.
  3. Start Fresh
    It’s a lifetime practice to refrain from bringing old energies into new experiences. Wether it’s limiting or unattainable expectations, feeling jaded, or wanting experiences to turn out a certain way, I hope to be more conscious within myself of where I’m creating artificial expectations of an experience based on past experiences. This is especially hard where relationships are concerned, as it’s a shared reality space, so requires both parties grace to change and start fresh. Every day, truly, is a new day. And while others might struggle allowing me that daily change or do-over, it’s something I can actively choose for myself and not be held back by other people’s ability to have it.
  4. Create from Present Time
    In our Meditation Essentials Class we teach a profound yet easy concept — that one’s body is always in present time, even though your spirit can be anywhere. You can imagine the greatest new project, new mockup, new reality — but the only place you can make that real is in present time, in partnership with your body, in the here and now. This also means not creating from a deficit — ie — creating from what you want to experience, rather than what you don’t want. More challenging than it seems, and something I’m bringing my attention to in the new year!
  5. Allow Myself to Be Seen
    Being seen is very, very, very challenging. Being seen is different than seeking and getting attention. Being seen is an incredibly intimate act; it means allowing yourself to truly be vulnerable and seen as you are. Of course, making room for that also means making room for the possibility of not being seen — as one implies the existence of the other. Not being seen is painful; when people can’t see all that we are, or can’t appreciate what we’re trying to be and create it can be frustrating, painful, or downright irritating. This year, I’m committed to removing some of the defenses I’ve created to make sure I’m not seen — so that I can more readily be seen by those who can. There will always be those who can’t!

Happy New Year!


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