When talking about psychic abilities - Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairgustance, Telemetry, Telepathy, Mediumship, etc - everyone focuses on the way that these abilities can be used to help others - by providing support, guidance, communication, and healing. This is well and right; it is noble and a sign of wellness to want to help others on their path. But too often sensitive people use their awareness of others and this noble feeling of helping as a way of avoiding or bypassing their own wounds, pain, and psychic injury. This follows what we've been taught by our religions and families over the last couple of hundred years - to heal yourself you must heal others first. In other words, working outwards as a way of working inwards in order to achieve "enlightenment" or in order to "find heaven" you must give - and give and give and give and give. When is enough? Well, I guess someone will let you know.

This way of working in fraught with peril, and gets us caught in a myriad of unsavory psychic games - namely, "not ever feeling like enough" and "feeling unclean/unwell/needing redemption" and of course because we're over giving all the time, it leads to terrible boundaries with others. It also puts your attention outside of you, and leaves you vulnerable to the whims and opinions of others - what you should be doing, how you should be doing it, and the value that you bring.

The truth is, there's nothing wrong with you and you don't need redemption - as a psychic, a sensitive, you may have just lost a bit of your sense of self and maybe gotten beaten up a bit by life - it happens to the best of us. You may need to repair some old wounds and patterns of how you share and work with energy in relationship to the world, to others, and of course - with yourself. When you focus on yourself instead of outward towards the needs and opinions of others, you begin to get really clear and certainty about your own energy and awareness - and you begin to fill your own space first - and then when you can really bring your whole self to an experience, you have so much to give. A psychic or healer who needs to heal others in order to feel worthy and validated is playing a dangerous game. A psychic or healer who simply arrives to each moment as the healing, fulfilled and ready to share - insight, space, awareness, healing - can never be at a loss for anything, and can't be deficient in any way.

So many of us see the pain of the world, the trauma of the world, and the needs of those around us - we are the healers for this time and place. Wanting to help is noble and a sign of wellness in spirit. But if you haven't healed yourself deeply first, you cannot be an effective healing to others. If you haven't learned how to handle your own pain, trauma, and discern energies that are not yours - you cannot help someone else, not really. The healing will be impermanent and unlasting. You cannot lift someone up or provide guidance as a psychic, healer, or leader until you have worked spiritually on your own space first - and resolved as much of the outstanding and unresolved energy from this lifetime, and past lifetimes, as you can. This takes time, diligence, care, and attention. You cannot bypass your own healing by giving to others first. The path is the other way around.

Meditation is a wonderful and impactful tool to focus your attention on you; to start to see and experience your own inner life and finding what's there for you. It also helps you to navigate the day to day energies that we encounter with our abilities; so we can be more efficient in our lives and creativity. For students of Portland Psychic School, this is the pathway inwards towards the body/spirit connection - where your creativity of spirit meets your body and your life to cause alchemical change. Having this for yourself gives you strength and power to give to others in a way that doesn't create attachment, but merely heals.

The Psychic Essentials Class is the fundamental class for all study at our school because everything builds on this personal awareness, this focus and attention on your own inner life. Once you set yourself on this path, everything can become joyful, fulfilling, and meaningful because you start to see how energy works, and how you relate to it. From there, you can create change, growth, and magic.

Every time I meditate, I am surprised by what I find within myself. Every time I look in I find that what I've been focusing on has been the wrong thing - my world is a direct reflection of the energy I bring to it. Every time I look in I discover new ways of helping others, too. Just like an artist, my art comes from within me. The healing you seek is within you - once you have access to that, you can express it in the world in ways that are transformative, helpful, impactful, and true. This is why I meditate!

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