Most psychics I’ve met have spent a great deal of their life running away from things that don’t feel good or are too overwhelming to handle.

Relationships can be a source of tremendous pain and invalidation, and releasing oneself from those energies can be the work of a lifetime. One place where this can be particularly charged is in relationship to one’s family of origin, the family home, and the place you grew up.

As sensitives growing up in a de-sensitized world, we often spend our early lives trying to fit into everyone else’s expectations or shape-shifting around other people’s needs to be wanted, needed, and validated. It’s not uncommon for those most sensitive among us to become entirely “different people” depending on the environments we find ourselves in - hiding our own wants, needs, and desires so that we appear to fit into the group, and stop being “too much” or “not enough” - depending on those around us and their pictures.

As we get older, we continue to run from that which we came from, because it was so painful or exhausting to constantly adjust. New city, new country, from job to job, from relationship to relationship - the running becomes the way to skirt the punishment we anticipate and know is coming when we fail to line up to the demands of others needs. We run from those things we find unpleasant, unsatisfying, and invalidating.

We run from ourselves because we don’t want to be seen as the same as those we grew up around, because our experience of it was so unpleasant. We are constantly seeking some perfect, new, or “ideal” relationships that will be the very opposite of the limiting, invalidating, or punishing energies that we found ourselves among as children. We run from “becoming our parents”, from being who we were, from our teachers, our town, our culture. Becoming something “other” is a balm that temporarily satisfies.

Perhaps your family never accepted who you were, or were not interested in the same things as you were. Maybe the town where you grew up was small and close minded. Perhaps your teachers invalidated your intelligence or abilities. Perhaps the culture or faith you were raised in was controlling or limiting in some ways that you found unacceptable. All of these are valid reasons for wanting to change, grow outward, experience new things.

But here’s the thing : throwing it all out pre-supposes that you’ve only taken on or are only fated to embody the worst parts of things. What if instead you chose to be the best parts?

What if you were empowered to be the parts of your origin that played into your strengths, abilities, and personal magic? Everyone’s family has a personal mythology about what skills, abilities, and capabilities are passed down in it. Every town has something unique about it. Every part of the world or part of the country has a unique energy - every spiritual tradition or faith, no matter how bastardized and twisted up has at its heart beautiful teaching and ways of seeing the world. What if you could embody the best of where you came from, instead of the worst?

The patterns from our youth are hard to break. instead of making our origin our enemy; something to run and extract ourselves from, what if instead we embraced and became the very best of it, leaving behind only the outdated parts we don’t feel aligned with?

There is a great healing in turning to face the things you’ve been running away from; the parts of who you are you’ve been trying to suppress or change, and instead see the beauty in and embrace them - throw out what is displeasing, of course, but choosing to embody the best of where and who you come from, rather than pretending it didn’t happen. Because it did, and empowerment comes from owning that, not trying to be something or someone you’re not.

Psychic tools and Clairvoyant awareness can help you mitigate and release the embodied energy from past experiences, but also can help you to see clearly who you were and are - who you have always been - and can help you to embody the best parts of yourself so that your life can be a reflection of that inner truth - including the influences that have always been there and have made you who you are - without fear, pain, or resistance.

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