They say hindsight is 20/20; is Clairvoyant 👁️ hindsight any different? 🤣 This past week I was cleaning out my old iphoto album 📸 and seeing lots of great pictures of people, experiences, and places I’ve been brought back many memories of my own journey as a psychic, a mystic, a clairvoyant, and a medium. 🔮

Drawing upon my own past, as well as having seen 100’s of students begin their journey to self-mastery in their abilities, I thought I’d share some tips I’ve collected over the years. ✅

Trap 1) Becoming "Spiritual" 🧞‍♂️
For many of us today, and for many different reasons, we may not have grown up in an environment that validated spirit, spiritual awareness, energy consciousness, or the things we found ourselves aware of as children. Perhaps we did, but the pictures of spirituality were not quite right for us. Instead, we learned to disconnect, disassociate, and turn down or off our abilities. This is unfortunate, but really common. Turning this part of us on again can be exciting and there can be a lot of pent up inertia behind your abilities - there’s a real beauty in the enthusiasm! Especially when you find a community of like-minded folks who are all doing the same thing, interested in the same things, and who can really see you. So often, the enthusiasm of this starts to consume our entire personality - we stop being able to relate to friends, family, and other communities we used to be a part of and find comfort, healing, and validation in.

You were a full person before you started on your journey to conscious awareness, and you had a myriad of interests, talents, strengths, relationships, and passions. Don’t lose track of these; don’t abandon them completely. No part of anyone’s journey is wrong or incorrect, and these other parts of you from your past will help you more fully integrate your spiritual growth, if you let them move with you into your future. If you abandon all the things you’ve loved and were passionate about in the past, you may regret it in the future. See your journey as an addition to, not an instead of who you are. Besides, in my personal experience, people who are “very spiritual” and only “spiritual” are pretty boring to have a coffee, a laugh, or a beer with. 🤣

Trap 2) Expecting everyone to come with you on the journey with you. 🗺️
You can’t expect everyone in your family, social groups, and professional networks to be as excited as you are about your new interests. You can’t expect them to understand, see value, or validate your experiences. Some may be turned on with you and want to play on this new playground, some may want to keep relating in old ways. Some may lose interest in your new awarenesses. Having been through this many times myself, the best tip I can give is to let other people decide for themselves how (and if) they want to participate in your journey; share what feels right and comfortable for you to share, and leave the door open. Be grateful for those who stay (or come back after time away) and let the rest go with grace and affection. You’ve changed; that’s hard for people to understand sometimes, and it doesn’t make them wrong.

Trap 3) Doing too much at the same time ⌚️
Engaging in a spiritual practice can be the missing piece for many people. It is a common error that I see watching people taking multiple classes, seminars, training, reading dozens of books simultaneously; this excitement and enthusiasm is a wonderful thing, but overloading yourself will not make your growth move faster - in fact, if not properly managed with the right consciousness tools it can actually slow you down. Focus on one or two things at a time, and give them your full attention and commitment. There will always be more to learn, and new ways to grow. Nobody finishes spiritual growth, there’s no end to it (honest). Take the time to enjoy the process, the experiences, and the ways in which you are giving to yourself by being really present in them.

Our trainings and classes at AotSA take time because of this very reason. To truly learn requires experience in addition to information; think of it like learning to play the guitar - you can’t just read a book about it; you have to actually work a little bit every day to embody the ability to play. Reading, healing, channeling, and meditating are exactly like this. Taking multiple courses, classes, and reading a bunch of books at the same time can actually confuse your body and spirit communication and get in the way of you having any of it be real. It’s like learning to play the guitar, the flute, and the cello at the same time - sure, the music is all the same, but you can’t actually embody all the different techniques necessary at the same time.

Trap 4) Trying to understand rather than experience 🙇‍♂️
This one is huge, and I like to think one of the big aha moments our students experience in our classes. When in a new situation, learning new information and practicing new tools of awareness, it’s key to be in the experience, rather than trying to integrate it at the same time. If you’re present in the experience with your full self - body, mind, and spirit - you will have it in its fullness and richness. Your senses, intelligence, awareness, and creativity will be participatory. Then, later, you can allow what happened to integrate fully through understanding.

When you read a great book, or watch a compelling movie, you might be in the experience of it with your senses. It might be days or weeks later that you start to understand the parallels to your own life in the story you watched or read; it might open up new ways of being in the world and in your life - this is embodiment and integration. Be in a new experience first, then understand and integrate later. It can’t be forced, and usually is more potent and powerful when allowed time and space to breathe.

Trap 5) Forgetting to have a good time 🤗
Stop and smell the roses! 🌹 Enjoy the people you’re meeting, the new experiences you’re having, the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you each and every day. Nothing lasts forever, and all relationships end, in time. Laugh a bit at yourself, at what’s happening around you - especially when you get caught or stuck; these are the most fertile times for growth. We learn better when we’re laughing, and we integrate more readily when we’re vibrating at amusement, joy, and acceptance of ourselves and others. You’re doing this because you’re geeking out about it, you love it, and you’re finding part of yourself again. It’s not all sunshine and lollypops, but if you forget to have a good time and appreciate the journey, you’ll get lost again very, very quickly.


Clairvoyance Master Group Classes

Learning alongside others can be enriching, fun, and full of laughter. Classes starting every month!

Clairvoyant Mastery 1-1 Coaching

Work one on one with William for 10 weeks to learn, hone, and curate your spiritual abilities.

Art of the Oracle Mediumship Training

A two year journey into conscious and embodied mediumship. Begins in January!

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