Yesterday I had the opportunity to oversee the clairvoyant student reading labs.

These labs are part of the Art of the Seer training, and students come to the weekly reading labs to practice their clairvoyant skills. Each student brings along their own unique energy, growth period, and mockup for today. It's always a fascinating space to be in, because you never know what's going to happen. The reading lab is never the same because nobody in the reading lab is exactly the same as they were even just yesterday.

When you are working in a space where the goal is to say hello to energy, to really look at it and see it and describe it, that energy is going to change. You will change, the people around you are changing. There is no predicting any of this, and it's never boring. Giving and receiving readings gets energy moving fast, and it's fun to see what changes and how the energy gets moving during the lab. Energy in movement creates change quickly!

Every time you say hello to the spirit of another person, something happens that's never happened in exactly the same way before. It will never happen the same way again, either. Whenever you sit down to say hello to the spirit of another person, something new happens within both you and them, in that moment.

Here's some of what I witnessed yesterday:

I saw a few people lose their space to what they were reading, some got their space back again, and some had aha moments for themselves. More than a few students took a step in terms of their own clairvoyant skill set, and got validated by seeing what they read for another person. I saw a few students start to see things that they weren't able to see before.

I saw people releasing heavy unconscious energies that were weighing them down. The emphasis in a clairvoyant reading lab is on seeing, and while everyone is looking, their bodies are releasing energy too. The faces of the students changed as the lab went on, they smiled more and had less tension. It's amazing how much change and movement can happen in such a short time!

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