It takes a certain amount of commitment to creating change — time, will, and focus.

Real change in your life happens through incremental shifts in your consciousness over time. Some people talk about this as shifts in your energy, vibration, reality, etc. But at it’s core, change happens when you are able to be in new energy, new spaces, new pictures. Change is only internal — we all know the saying, wherever you go, there you are! Your internal energy creates your external reality. To truly change, you must focus inward and change what’s happening inside of you.

So how do you create change — not just a momentary shift in awareness, but real, lasting, meaningful Change?

This kind of real change is only possible when you give yourself space to experience new things, to learn and to be challenged, and to integrate new skills in your body/mind/spirit relationship. It’s one thing to understand something, it’s another to embody it or own it spiritually. It takes a certain amount of commitment to creating the change — time, will, and focus.

This is why our consciousness trainings at AotSA are longer term commitments. Anyone can take a weekend workshop, a two, three or four week class, and experience something new, and have fun or be validated by that. But it’s a very different thing to commit to and experience week over week, and observe yourself over time experiencing all the nuances and micro-changes that feed into a macro-level shift.

Think of it like learning to play the guitar; you can take a weekend intro to guitar class, and maybe learn how to hold the instrument in a general way and then strum a cord or two, and it will feel great! You’ll be on a high from it. But to learn to play “horse with no name” will require showing up every week for a lesson (wether with a teacher or online) and practicing in between. It will require having weeks where you are terrible, and weeks where you make real progress and it sticks. It requires showing up happy, showing up sad, showing up tired, showing up angry and still committing to it for yourself.

At AotSA we work with students who want to create real, lasting change — this isn’t for people who want temporary experiences of the transcendent, its for people who want to connect to the transcendent in themselves in a meaningful way that alters your life. This takes commitment, and making space for it in your life.

Committing to yourself is a radical act. Committing to your growth is a form of rebellion from the status quo; it is anti-establishment, it is anti ‘the way its been done for over 20 years’. If you consider yourself a spiritual rebel, you may have just found an answer with our community at AotSA. /

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