This year, I had the pleasure of watching two documentaries that to me illustrate the power of creating and destroying; blowing limiting self-image pictures until one gets to the core of one's self to express in the world. These two stories are exceptional opportunities for psychics and sensitives to see and experience matching identity pictures!

Tina Turner is an irascible creative spirit who in the course of her long career overcame the limiting energies of pain, punishment, and invalidation to create something so extraordinary it transcended what was possible for women in the music industry - not to mention women of color. It's hard to image a Beyoncé today without Tina before her.

What I particularly appreciated in this documentary was learning about how when she stopped performing and recording the songs other people gave her and started performing her own music and music she personally selected because of her intimate connection to it - she took off like a rocket. Where in our lives are we creating based on what other people validate in us and give us to do rather than creating based on what we are interested in expressing from deep within ourselves? How would things changed if you started expressing your truth in your life? What of your life experience can you alchemize into something so totally unique - it is "solid gold"? Tina's story shows what happens when you get to the core of self and destroy everything that isn't that - so that you can create from your truth, raise your havingness for your dreams, and then have them.

I saw this doc about Alanis Morrisette last night and it prompted me to write this post. Just like Tina, Alanis spent her early career being "groomed" for success - recording songs that were meant to be "popular" and being styled by producers, her family, and an industry that wanted to use her talents for its own agenda. Her youthful enthusiasm for singing, songwriting, and performing was used for other people's vision initially - mostly because she was too young and naive to own it for herself. It was only when Alanis hit "rock bottom" and found her unique, creative voice that she was able to truly live in her truth - out loud and without hesitation.

There's also an incredible story to consider here from a psychic perspective about her long search for a creative partner that really saw her, could "have" her, and was able to create a space for her to be so effortlessly herself was realized in the relationship she found almost on accident with Producer Glen Ballard. Together they created an album that was so truthful and intimately connected to one women's spiritual growth it transcended culture itself - a global phenomenon that touched Millions and created opportunity for Women in popular music that was before this unheard of. To see her reflect back on that time with the wisdom of age is moving, vulnerable, and empowering. Talk about a mutual mockup, and how two incredibly creative people can find an ease and flow in relationship - I found myself considering my own relationships as a reflection of her journey, and found some interesting energies and pictures to come into present time with.

If you're interested in watching stories of how being psychic and working with energy can affect one's ability to create, these two documentaries are great opportunities to see your own matching pictures, and look for yourself at what is possible when you do the work to get to what is most essentially your energy - so you can express it in your life. You may not end up a multi-platinum recording artist, but your own path inward has incredible parallels here if you can see them! What an incredible mockup these two strong creative spirits had to blow pictures, create space, and have more of themselves in their lifetime.



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