Art of the Seer Student Chat

The students in the Art of the Seer training met with me this week to talk about and share their experiences as students in that program, and you can listen to what they had to say.

Some of these students are completing the year long Art of the Seer program, while others are starting the 2nd half of their training next semester.

In this training, students are learning how to turn on and work with their clairvoyant abilities, and use these abilities for themselves, in their own lives. Over the course of a year, each student in this class will attend 84 clairvoyant class experiences. Besides active class time, they are committed to showing up for themselves daily in their meditation practice.

They committed to their own growth, practiced their craft, and grew, a lot. It is wonderful, as one of their teachers, to see them all grow and become more grounded as psychics.

Each of them had some wonderful things to say about their experiences.

Learn more about the Art of the Seer Training.

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