There are magical times in your daily life where you are in direct communication with yourself. It creates a spark that lights you up, compels you, surprises you, and thrives within you.

It may come across in an art project as an expression of a theme. You might write something new that is for others but really speaks to you. You may even find yourself earnestly expressing your vision, and even advice about a good friend situation, that is really about you. Perhaps you play a song on repeat and are so touched by one particular line.

You, your spirit, is always communicating with you. It finds unique ways to do this to make it easier to hear. It may be that you walk out your door and see a “sign” on a bus, just happen to open a book of poetry to a poem that deeply resonates, feel pulled to watch a particular series that reflects your life back to you, or overhear a conversation about something that directly relates to your life. Such a coincidence! ;)

You, your spirit, is always there for you. It is always engaging, supporting, and uplifting you. You may not see it right away but look closer. Start to see what you’ve been saying to yourself all along.

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