Receiving a reading isn’t about someone telling you what to do. If you wanted that, you’d just ask your mother. A psychic doesn’t have your answer. Having your answer is a deeply personal experience.

The answers that you find for yourself may evolve over time. They may not always be the same because you might go through a transformation, navigate new life experiences, learn about something new, see something that blows your mind, or meet new people. Even though your truth can ebb and flow in relativity to your own center, it’s a journey that is worth experiencing.

Your truth, or answers, may look different from the person next to you. Your cousin, friend, lover, may all do different things in similar situations, but your answer stems from your energy. Your energy is your truth.

You lose part of yourself when you look for answers outside of you. So why would you want to get a psychic reading from someone not looking to give you your answers? Maybe, to grow on your own. To take your individual and unique steps. To feel proud when you’ve done the work. To be personally validated in trusting yourself and your own answers.

Just imagine asking your mom what you should do? She gives you an answer. You take action based on that answer. It goes sideways and you blame your mom. This is a common story in most people’s lives. If it goes great you might give all the credit to her - not yourself who took the steps.

The adventure of knowing what is true for you, being connected to that truth, and living your life from your own truth has personal spiritual value. To understand yourself outside of other people’s influences, opinions, judgements, and advice. To be firm in the anchor that is your spiritual truth in any given moment. To even be steady in the parts of your truth that have always remained.

From this there comes an inner validation that happens when you have your own answer. I can’t tell you what that is or feels like but maybe you’ll have your own experiences and answers. You’ll know that validation when you feel it. Finding your answers is a journey about finding yourself.

A reading with the Art of the Seer students isn’t about them giving you their answers. It is about clearly seeing you where you are in your life. This may be in relation to past lives and their effect on you now. This may be in relation to this life you are living right now.

There is a magic to being simply seen, if you can have it. In a reading, your energy is what is really being seen - you. In being seen, it may be easier to find your own answers. I’ve personally found my own answers about topics related and unrelated to the reading a person was giving me.

A psychic reading is an experience. What you experience is yourself. It’s not about the readers, or teachers, or anyone else in the room. It’s about you taking a moment to connect with yourself. What happens when you bring your attention back to yourself? It might be a journey worth finding out for yourself.

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