Desire is an energy that we all have within ourselves. It is that pull from deep within to have something, want something, be something, experience something, say something, etc. Desire is a part of your self expression. It’s a part of being yourself.

Desire can really get things moving in your life – and in your body too. Just like when you have sex, or have an orgasm, and find a sense of joy, desire, and release. All the energy that was stuck starts to move.

When energy is in movement, it can be easier to have your attention on yourself. Energy in movement can create even more movement, like river streams that meet to create rapids and even waterfalls. All that movement is exciting and can be very attractive to yourself and others.

Desire isn’t a new energy. You’ve experienced your desire before in your life. It may have been sexual, artistic, creative, passionate, adventurous, etc. You know what you feel like when you are in your desire. You may feel sexy, turned on, vibrant, alive, and excited about life.

Everyone has an opinion on desire. Everyone from religion, middle school, parents, friends, neighborhood, racial background, and even sexual community. Everyone has an idea of who gets to have desire, when, and how – if at all.

Desire can get shut down at times in your life. Desire is often toned down due to religious beliefs, family traditions, or fear of shame. When your desire is shut down, a part of you also gets shut down. You may not feel like yourself. The movement that desire creates can suddenly slow down or stop moving at all.

There are communities that create space for desire. Communities like the burlesque community have been resetting things by creating a space where desire is perfectly natural. It’s a space where you are asked to even express how you feel through sounds such as shouts, whoops, yesss, love, compliments, tips, etc.

You can create space for your own desire too. Working with your psychic meditation tools is a great way to create space for your own energy. In your meditation practice, you can use your tools to create movement, release what isn’t yours, and bring your energy into your space.

What if your life wasn’t about hiding your desires? Toning it down for others? Hiding yourself? You are the only one that can decide that you can have desire in your life. How will you create space to have your desire in your life?

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