Becoming a clairvoyant helped me give myself permission to see myself my way, instead of depending on others to do this for me.

What if you could see for yourself, from within yourself?

Clairvoyance is something you already have, though your ability may have been diminished or turned down since you were a child. As children, we learn to adjust what we are able to see, often because what we see isn’t validated by the people around us. Maybe someone we look up to or depend on doesn’t see what we see, and so we give up our own vision to theirs. We may even start believing that what we’re seeing isn’t real, we’re making it up, and on second thought there wasn’t anything there anyway.

Your natural ability to see energy clearly might have been invalidated to the point that you no longer trust your own abilities, or are embarrassed by them. If you’ve been expected to relinquish your vision to preserve the peace in your family, home, group, or classroom, you may have pushed that part of you to the background.

Perhaps another person demanded you always see things their way - an authority figure may do this thinking they are helping you. But in reality you’re learning another lesson, which is to not trust your own ability to see and know.

Being able to trust your own vision is important as you grow and start creating new self image pictures. If your new pictures of yourself are based on a false belief that you can’t trust your own ability to see clearly, then you might be using other people’s pictures of who you are.

When you don’t feel safe enough to own your own self image, you can forget that you do have the ability to look, and it’s within you.

Seeing yourself clearly is powerful: nobody else can do this for you.

We mirror each other, and often communicate how we see each other. With kindness, this can be healing and helpful, especially when we’re going though sensitive times of new growth and it’s hard to see anything clearly, much less ourselves.

Other people can help us find perspective when we need it, but even so, it’s still up to each of us to decide to look at ourselves and choose to see who we are.

When things are changing in your life, maybe something challenging has happened to you, or you’ve completed an old part of your life, it can feel like the most painful thing ever to have to let go of how you used to see yourself, and start seeing yourself as you are now. Maybe you don’t know who you are becoming yet, and it’s hard to see anything.

The beautiful thing about this is that it’s always possible to look at yourself with love, compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. You don’t have to be perfect to deserve love and kindness, especially from yourself.

Clairvoyance, and the ability to see clearly, starts with non-judgment.

Nobody sees anything clearly through a lens of judgment - whether we pre-judge something to be good or bad, it doesn’t matter.

Clairvoyants learn how to read energy by practicing on each other. Students learn quite early in their training that clairvoyant readings are meant to be a non-judgmental spirit to spirit hello. Just the act of saying hello to someone, including yourself, without judgment, is the healing.

The 10 week Clairvoyance Mastery class is a brilliant beginning to learning how to turn on and work with your clairvoyant ability. New classes begin monthly at the Art of the Seer Academy.

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