Can you imagine going through your life without a sense of curiosity?

Curiosity is one of the greatest tools a clairvoyant has to work with. It’s the human ability to wonder that makes it possible to discover, invent, create, and learn. Clairvoyance is made richer and more powerful by the ability to be curious.

A beginning clairvoyant is taught to open up that sense, to begin asking questions like, “What does this look like?”, or “What else is happening here?”.

Like a detective who is open to discovery, looking but not expecting, curiosity helps you become an explorer, a creator, an inventor. Curiosity can be used to see from a place of neutrality, non-judgment.

If you expect to see something, it may be difficult to see something else.

You might be in judgment about what you will see, and forget to be open to what you are seeing. If what you are seeing doesn’t make sense to you and you go into judgment about it, zap!, that quickly you are no longer looking from your clairvoyance.

Remember the last time you got lost and discovered something or someplace new as a result? You’d never have found that thing without being lost in the first place. Sometimes spiritual growth works that way too. You have to be willing to be lost in order to find a treasure.

If the treasure is you, and you are willing to look as a curious detective might, without judgment but with plenty of wonder, you will be amazed at what you find. You are much more than you might be able or willing to see right now. Curiosity and wonder will help you find parts of you that you didn’t even know you had.

Curiosity makes it possible to imagine and create a brand new world.

Especially when you’ve come to the end of the old world, when you need a next step forward and a new adventure, get curious.

The perfect place to begin any adventure is with a thoughtful question. Questions are always more important than finding the correct answer. As for answers, they change as often as you do, which will be a lot if you keep asking quality questions.

Having all the answers may seem like a good idea, but it can get pretty boring for you if you have nothing new to learn or discover, and no mysteries to uncover. Besides, as soon as you know everything there is to know about one thing, it's off to the next thing you don't know about - yet.

Questions can lead to good adventures.

If you want to find your own answers, start asking yourself questions. This is one way psychics from all walks of life do their work and discover new things for themselves. When you already know or assume you know everything, you actually know nothing. This includes thinking you know all of the possibilities because ‘everyone’ said so. When you drop your own curiosity in favor of group beliefs, you are not curious.

Needing to know every step along the way in advance is death to your curiosity. Be curious here and now, where you are breathing, thinking, imagining, and dreaming. Curiosity doesn’t assume it knows, or that anyone else has the answer.

Curiosity knows that the question is the fun part, and that one question is going to lead to another, and so on.

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