Fiona Yun

Fiona Yun

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Thoughts on Form and Function

Form doesn't create or demand perfection. Form can be followed while still being messy. But it's a landing point to keep one grounded as one explores and learns about Self.

Letting Go of the How in order to Have

Sometimes, you have to let go of the how. Of all the reasons why not. Of all of the pictures and beliefs in the way of what you want. You have to let go of the outcome and just let the wish be. And maybe it will. Just be.


I gave up being perfect for love and to give myself permission to really be in my own experience.

Take Great Care

At this time of year, the beginning, people’s mindsets are often centered on what we will do to make a change. How will we challenge ourselves to be better? Lots of people focus on their bodies, resolving to tone up or lose weight. Others focus on productivity, challenging themselves...

Kundalini: Having it for You Changes the Experience

In my sophomore year of high school, a senior told me I looked just like sex. I was about to go onstage for a school play, and sex was not a part of my role. I was wearing my costume, a similar costume to many of the other girls in...

Body Talk

How do you talk to your body and when? As a massage therapist, I hear a lot of body talk and am hyper aware of how I speak to my own body on a regular basis. Often, I hear clients say “there is something wrong with my back” or shoulder...

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