Astral Travel doesn't happen to me.  It’s something I do.  Just as I have worked to create healthy sleep for my physical body, I’ve spent years refining my astral practice.  It takes a lot of trust to get your astral body out of your physical body.  You wake up; you’re back.  It’s worth it to keep at it. The experience always brings growth.

Astral travel is the conscious adventure of Spirit.  I've built it into my bedtime routine; it's become as valuable to me as meditation during the day.  While my body is restoring itself, my astral body takes leave.  It's an opportunity for exploration and creativity.  The astral body can go anywhere, do anything in space and time. I can visit a friend in another country or visit a friend in another dimension. I can fly, swim freely underwater, and comfortably travel through deep space.  I discover proficiency in disciplines I haven’t studied in this lifetime and wake up with unexpected interests and inspired creativity.

The big deal for me is the unfettered opportunity for freedom and imagination. I keep my intention loose, to simply be curious: what am I doing and creating on the astral plane?  It doesn’t always make immediate sense, but I'm constantly fascinated and delighted by how the astral experiences show up in my day-to-day.  

As with dreams, sometimes I remember my astral travels, sometimes I don’t.  What I do know is that if it’s happening on the astral, it’s aligned with my truth.

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